
Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Year= New Goals

A new year is a chance to turn a new leaf and start afresh. I enjoy the the new year as a chance to take a breath from the holiday indulgences and start on a clean slate. 2013 was a great year and I have no doubt that 2014 will be even greater! I wanted to share these before New Year's Eve to help give ideas to anyone who may be struggling with their New Year's resolution.
  • Find a new home church and start a daily devotional. Since we moved we have not found a church that feels like home. I want to make connections with couples our age and continue to grow in the faith. I am hoping to start a book on tape or podcast as my daily devotional and make it part of my drive to work every morning. 

  • Lose these pesky 20lbs for good! In keeping myself accountable, I am going to start posting weekly on my fitness progress.  I will also continue to share my weekly workout plan. I use My Fitness Pal to track my food and workouts to make sure I am on track. I have an entire post later this week on how these pounds creeped on and my plan to get them off! 


  • Try to eliminate one vice each month. I got this idea from Lauren Conrad's Shape Up plan. I am going to switch things up and start with gluten for the month of January. I will probably switch out something for fried food and soda since I rarely have them. Joe is gluten sensitive and I have been begging him to try to eliminate it from his diet for the past year. He is on board with trying it as a New Year Resolution and I am excited to see how it changes both of our bodies. I love the idea of trying this plan as part of my New Years Resolution.  lt is a great way to flex your willpower and break bad habits. It’s been said time and time again that that it takes 21 days to break or create a habit. Through giving up one vice each month will help work toward getting rid of the negative habit. I have a well known sweet tooth that I would love to break during this plan. Here is the best part behind the plan that ties in easily to my New Year Resolution by the time summer rolls around, I will have lost those pesky 20 lbs and be amazing shape.

  • Create inspiring posts on the blog 3-4 times a week. I want the blog to being to reflect what is going on in my life at the same time I also want it to inspire others through sharing my struggles. My hope is that this year I will become more real in my posts. 

What are your New Years Resolutions for 2014? 



  1. I want to drink more water, be less wasteful, and be more productive (aka waste less time on the computer)

  2. I don't think I could give up all those vices! You have to have something to keep you sane! I know my body would appreciate it though!


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