Boppy Newborn Lounger- This pillow comes in handy for safely hanging with a newborn on the couch or the floor. It keeps them from rolling and provides a comfy space for baby to lay. It is machine washable which helps when it eventually gets covered in spit up or poop.
Baby Wrap- I never thought I would be much of a baby wearer. However, if you have a newborn that does not like to be put down at times this was a lifesaver. I would often wear Caroline when she became fussy during the evening "witching hour". I also wore her a lot when we first went out to prevent unwelcomed hands in the stroller. It is great have your hands free to do housework, go on walks or enjoy dinner out. I loved my wrap so much in the first few weeks that I actually have two of them. The Happy Wrap is my favorite for summer as it is lightweight and much more breathable than a thick cotton wrap.
Rock n Play Sleeper - This one impulse purchase after a long night of no sleep changed Caroline's sleep during the first month. When we brought Caroline home she was so restless in her bassinet and would wake easily. Many nights she would end up sleeping in my arms. One day during that first week home we picked this up praying it would help her get a good night's sleep. Well, it is not a miracle worker but it did help us go from one hour stretches to three hour stretches at night.
Sound Machine- Most baby books recommend white noise to help sooth a baby to sleep. I could not agree more. We use this for naps and bedtime. It helps calm her down when she gets upset and drowns out noise that may startle her awake.
Halo Sleep Sack Swaddle- These convertible sleep swaddles have been a lifesaver. The velcro keeps her arms snug and secure and muffles the startle reflex. We have been swaddling Caroline before bed until last week when we transitioned her to the crib.
Other Favorites- A honorable mention goes to these three phone apps: The Wonder Weeks, Sound Sleeper and Baby Nursing. Wonder Weeks lists developmental milestones based on due date and describes what to expect for each developmental leap. Sound Sleeper is the perfect white noise on the go. We use the fan setting for when she gets upset and it helps distract her just enough to calm down. Baby Nursing is a tracking app for feedings, diaper changes and sleep. I started using this in the hospital when the doctors come in to ask how often she eats or needs a diaper change. I continued to use this app when we got home to monitor her growth and keep up with my pumping schedule.

Some of these I never even tried! I'm definitely baby wearing next go-round! Great list!